Private Lenders

A roadblock for the private lender is often the cost of effectively servicing each loan.

Private lenders remain the fastest growing source of real estate finance capital.

Borrowers are drawn to private lenders due to their flexibility and quickness in making their credit decisions.

Investors are attracted to ease of investing, higher yields, and ownership of real estate investments with less risk.

From Roadblocks to Strength

Private lenders are exceptional at finding capital sources and identifying great loans. Essex is exceptional at servicing those loans after they close.
A roadblock for any private lender is often the cost of effectively servicing each loan, especially during the startup period when the portfolio has yet to reach a critical mass.
To further complicate matters, because of the higher risk associated with the types of loans that are attractive to private lenders, their investors, and capital sources, heightened surveillance is required.
Monitoring loan and collateral performance for your type of loan is another thing we do well.

Essex Can Help

Essex Financial Services collaborates with you.

We determine the service level that meets your cost objectives and complements your strengths in managing risk.

For our private lender clients, we:

  • Provide loan administration tasks
  • Remit and report to investors and capital sources
  • Account for each loan on our servicing system
  • Monitor insurance, property taxes and UCCs
  • Enforce borrower covenants
  • Analyze operating statements and rent rolls
  • Assess collateral condition
  • Administer escrows, reserves, draws and lockbox activities

We execute your risk management plan daily.

“Our portfolio has almost tripled in size since we started ($750M+; 450+ loans). We could not have achieved our growth targets without our colleagues at Essex. They are committed, skilled, and flexible to our changing client needs. I recommend Essex wholeheartedly and unconditionally.”

Private lender and a client since 2020.

Keeping Costs Down

Regardless of the size of your portfolio or the complexity of the loan structures, we assist you by keeping your cost of servicing manageable. Essex Financial Services allows your dealmakers to make deals and for the loans you originate to perform at their best.

Get In Touch

1401 17th Street, Suite 750
Denver, CO 80202

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